The Flathead Warming Center LINK is committed to inviting community resources into the center to meet our most vulnerable population where they are. It is best practice to provide wrap-around care in an environment where an individual is getting his or her basic needs met. We currently have 15 onsite community resources every week inside the shelter. We LINK our guests to resources on-site. A LINK starts with a relationship and is much stronger, with a better outcome, than a referral.
The FWC LINK will be a one-stop resource center for anyone who is homeless to provide a clear Roadmap out of homelessness.
We envision The LINK in practice as follows:
A person who is experiencing housing insecurity is encouraged to go to the FWC LINK. They walk in the door and are greeted and an individualized Roadmap is developed to help determine incremental steps that can be taken to move beyond homelessness.
The person begins to feel hopeful because much of what they need is onsite inside. Before they begin to gain the tools and resources they need to move beyond homelessness, we offer them a warm cup of noodles and hot cider. We learn that they have not eaten today. They only have on a light jacket. After eating and warming up for a few minutes, we find them a warm winter coat from the supply closet and a new pair of winter gloves. They are very grateful and now able to look closer at the Roadmap that was developed specifically for them.
Fortunately, our LINK program has been a success. Unfortunately we are limited by the lack of space.
Our Vision: The Roadmap in Practice
Step 1: Coordinated Entry Assessment.
Step 2: Guests need to have an ID to move beyond homelessness. Individuals are given a voucher and directions to the DMV.
Step 3: Meet with a Housing Navigator to complete the application for Community Action Partnership programs.
Step 4: Medicaid and SNAP benefits, meet with Lori from Greater Valley Health in the Resource Room to apply for benefits on-line.
Step 5: Our guests’ Coordinated Entry Assessment reflects the need for Addiction Services, so they meet with the Peer Specialist from AlpenGlow, she has an office inside The FWC LINK building.
Step 6: Overnight shelter is needed. We introduce them to our Guest Volunteer, who is scheduled to be a Guest Volunteer tonight as part of his Dignity Hall agreement to give back to shelter life. The Guest Volunteer gives them a tour of the Warming Center. He invites them to return to the Warming Center at 6:00pm for dinner and shelter. They are concerned because they don't yet have their ID. Not to worry, they do not need an ID to stay in the emergency shelter of the Warming Center.
Additional: Our Guest Volunteer explains that tonight we can LINK them to Tina. She has provided haircuts onsite for four years.
Our Guest Volunteer reminds them of an important detail on their Roadmap. Within their first seven nights of shelter, they will need to schedule with our Peer Specialist or Licensed Addictions Counselor for a more comprehensive assessment and personal plan. They are thanked for participating today in The FWC LINK. With their current business complete, if they need us, we hope to see them back at 6:00pm for shelter. On their way out, they are informed that "There can be no hanging out on the property or on neighboring properties. Anyone who loiters may forfeit their bed for the night." They leave the neighborhood because they want to be able to stay the night. They also want to return tomorrow to The FWC LINK to meet Mylene with PATH in her office inside The FWC LINK building.
They leave with a better idea of what they need to do, as well as a little more hope than when they first walked in the door. Now they feel like they know a few people that can really help them.