Meal Coordination
How Will I Feed 50 People?
We are excited and honored that you are interested in helping us feed our guests over our 2024-2025 Warm and Safe Winter Season! Here are a few guidelines that can help you determine how to do it.
We ask that you don’t prepare anything too spicy or difficult to chew. Some good ideas include: Soups and/or Sandwiches, Stews, Buckets of Chicken with sides, Platters of cold cuts with sides, Pizza, Tacos, Pot Pies, and cooked Lasagna.
Beverages, breads and salads with meals are welcome but optional.
The Flathead Warming Center does not have a kitchen to cook or prepare a meal. All foods must be cooked prior to drop off. We do have crockpots and electric roasting pans to warm things back up but not to cook them.
We will provide all paper products including plates, napkins and utensils.
Disposable serving dishes are preferred but if you drop off your own dishes, we ask that you pick them up within the next day or two after your meal.
Drop off time is flexible but most occur between 5-6pm. Guests begin arriving at 5:45pm.
Serving is not necessary as space is limited. If you feel you would like to serve, please contact Sonny at volunteercoordinatorfwc@gmail.com to coordinate.
If you have signed up to deliver a meal and something happens that prevents it, please just let us know as soon as you can at 406-855-3042. We are able to provide our guests with a substitution meal in those instances.