
A Warm and Safe Place
The Flathead Warming Center is located at 889 North Meridian Drive in Kalispell Montana. Parking and entrance are on the northern side of building.
Overnight shelter stays will begin in October through April. Exact dates may vary. Through the overnight shelter season, we are open 6pm to 10am nightly. We have capacity for 50 individuals per night.
The Flathead Warming Center continues to be available in the warmer months for showers, laundry services, light food and connecting to community Resource Links. From May through September, we are open Mondays and Thursdays 10am to 4pm.
Call 406-885-3042
Expectations & Accountability
We are excited to have you join us. There are some expectations and accountability issues we want you to know about.
You will be required to sign an Occupancy Agreement each night you wish to stay with us. The Occupancy Agreement outlines the rules you agree to abide to while staying at the Warming Center.
You cannot bring your own bedding. Bedding will be provided for you and kept at the Warming Center.
We expect you to help us be good neighbors. The line for shelter stays begins at 5:30pm. We do not allow guests to linger on property before 5:30pm or after 10am.
All of your belongings must fit in one of our lockers, including coats. We have a sample box outside our facility that is the same size and shape as one of our lockers.
You will find a community that cares inside the Warming Center. We are glad you are here.